Adding on the list of non profit organizations are ;Creative England which is promising to offer help and support for individuals, small scale and large scale business in the creative field across England. Their services are versatile, including mentoring, delivering and also funding the people who are in need. They also have a newspaper named Creative England Stories, using which they are hoping to showcase the experience and talents of their clients to the world so as to inspire others around the country.
The directors of the organization suggest that they decided on printing the newspaper to feature the stories of individuals and firms who benefitted from their service, so that more people know about them and people in need can come to them. They also say that they would like it to see the piece as editorial and a story than just to boost sales. The newspaper is freely available at all creative venues and public places, throughout the year. You also find those stories online at the same time, follow them in twitter.
Creative England are also o the opinion that the creative heads from England including innovators and originators are the biggest contributors to Britain’s economy and they believe that it’s their responsibility to ensure that all creative industries including the digital ones continue to thrive and continues contributing to the economy. They also hope to be a hub or common place where all sorts of people can meet to exchange ideas, information and thoughts so as to convert it into business deals.
The team at Creative England also points out that there is a lot undercapitalization and also unequal opportunities that exist which refrains them to reach their optimum potential, and so they are committed to bridge the gap. Creative London also supports and encourages talent outside London and helps in making creative key clusters which is likely to provide a conducive environment which supports and motivates culture as well as talent.
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